Tax Assessor
The Assessor is responsible for discovering, listing and valuing all properties within the municipality.
Sales, income, and cost data are analyzed in order to determine the assessed value of each parcel included on the Tax List presented to the Cape May County Board of Taxation each January.
Office of the Tax Assessor Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, 6 pm-9 pm Tax Assessor: Jason Hesley Phone: (609) 729-8037 Fax: (609) 522-6692 Email:
Taxpayers who disagree with their property’s assessment have the right to appeal to their county tax board (or directly with the State Tax Court if the property is assessed for more than $1,000,000) on or before April 1 or 45 days from the date the Assessment Notifications are mailed by the taxing district, whichever is later; or May 1st where a municipal-wide revaluation or municipal-wide reassessment has been implemented (December 1 for added and omitted assessments.) The required appeal forms may be obtained from the County Board of Taxation.
All appeals must be filed with the Cape May County Board of Taxation by April 1 of each year, except those properties with an assessed value in excess of $1,000,000, which may be filed directly to the State Tax Court. Petitions of appeal with instructions may be obtained on the Cape May County Board of Taxation's website.
There are several tax deductions available to qualifying residents which may be found here:State of New Jersey Local Property Tax Forms
These include:
- Disabled veterans exemption
- Veteran deduction
- Un-remarried widow of veteran deduction
- Un-remarried widow of disabled veteran exemption
- Senior citizen deduction
- Surviving Spouse (55 years or older) of existing senior citizen deduction
- Disabled person deduction
Please see below for qualifying information or contact the Assessor's office.
Senior Citizens & Disabled Persons
Anyone wishing to apply for a $250 deduction in taxes may contact the Assessor's Office for an application. Limitations for income and residency apply.
In order to qualify for the $250 senior citizens deduction you must:
- Have a combined income of $10,000 or less, excluding Social Security
- Be 65 years or over
- Own property in Wildwood Crest as of October 1 of the pre-tax year
- Be a full-time (legal) resident of Wildwood Crest
Information For Military Veterans
Veterans, who were honorably discharged and actively served during the following time periods,may apply for a $250 deduction. Those who have been deemed 100% disabled by the Veteran Affairs may qualify for property tax exemption:
The requirement for duty during wartime has been repealed by the State of New Jersey. Any active duty is considered eligible.
In order to qualify for the $250 Veteran deduction you must:
- Own property in Wildwood Crest as of October 1 of the pre-tax year
- Be honorably discharged from active service and have dd-214 papers along with discharge papers
Added Assessments
New construction, structural additions and improvements completed after October 1 are valued and taxed under the Added Assessment Law. This way property which becomes assessable after October 1 does not avoid its fair share of the tax burden for the rest of the year. A new structure, or an addition to or alteration of an old structure, completed after January 1 and before October 1, is valued as of the first day of the month following completion. If the value when completed is greater than the assessed value placed on the structure on October 1 of the pretax year (partial assessment based on the value present at that time), an added assessment based on the difference must be made. The added assessment is prorated on the number of full months remaining in the tax year. Tax exempt properties which lose their exempt status are also subject to the Added Assessment Law. Added Assessments are payable on November 1 and become delinquent if not timely paid.
Omitted Assessments
Additional assessments which, through error, were not made at the proper time may be placed on the tax rolls through the Omitted Assessment Laws. An omitted assessment can be made for the current year of discovery and one prior year. The Omitted Assessment Laws provide that in any year or in the next succeeding year, the county board of taxation or the municipal tax assessor respectively may, in accordance with the provisions of this act, assess any taxable property omitted from the tax rolls for the
particular year. Omitted assessments are payable on November 1 and become delinquent if not timely paid.
If you did not receive an Added Assessment Tax bill for work completed in the previous year, you will receive an "Omitted Added" Assessment bill in addition to an "Added Assessment" bill the year following the improvement.
Please note, not scheduling a final inspection for your building permit does not delay the added assessment tax bill.