Mercantile Residential Rental License Application
Or Residential Rental Registration
New Application
Renewal Application
1. Name of Owner(s):
2. Property Street Address: Condo Unit #
*STOP: If you will not be renting or offering to rent your property, please sign and date non-rental certification below
and return to “Att: Mercantile Licensing” at the above address or email to
(If you are renting continue to #3)
NON-RENTAL CERTIFICATION: “I hereby certify I will NOT
be renting or offering to rent the above property.”
3. Permanent Address of Owner(s):
(For multiple owners attach additional sheet if necessary)
State: Zip Code:
Phone: Cell Phone: Email:
Emergency Contact Name
(Must provide a separate emergency contact name and number in the event primary contact cannot be reached)
5. Property Description/Use:
Seasonal/Short Term Rental
Year-Round/Long Term Rental >175 days
(Attach copies of year-round/long term leases)
SINGLE HOME, CONDO UNIT or TOWNHOUSE: Number of Sleeping Rooms:
APARTMENTS, DUPLEX, TRIPLEX, HOUSE with Apartments: (include a house as a unit)
Total Residential Buildings on the Property: , total of Dwelling Units on the Property:
2) Total Seasonal/Short Term Units for Rent: , total of all sleep rooms in these units:
3) Total Year-Round/Long Term Rental Units: , total of all sleep rooms in these units:
(ALL Rental Properties must be registered and inspected by Fire Prevention annually, call 609 729-5152, Ext. 135)
NEW APPLICATION OR CHANGE OF USE: A detailed and accurate floor plan sketch of the property, to
include all rooms and square footage of rooms, must be attached to this application. Any new application
submitted without a floor plan sketch will be denied. A Certificate of Zoning Use Compliance is required for all
new applicants, change in applicant or change of use.
Rental Applicant Certification
Year Round/Long Term Rentals: “I hereby certify that I do not rent my apartment on a Short Term or Seasonal Rental basis as
defined in Section 56A-2 of the Borough’s ordinances and I am fully aware that if I provide false or misleading information I may
be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 56A-14, which include a fine not exceeding $2,000.00, imprisonment in the county
jail for any term not exceeding 90 days, or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days.”
All Rentals: Applicant hereby states they are not in default, indebted or obligated to the Borough of Wildwood Crest except for
current taxes, that the property is not in violation of any local ordinance and all information supplied is true and correct to the best
of their knowledge and belief. (NOTE: State statute prohibits issuance of any mercantile license if owner is in default for real
estate taxes, sewer charges, or any code violations.)
Owner Signature: Date:
Mail or email to with required attachments. You will be invoiced for license fees due, or you may
contact the mercantile office at 609 729-8039 for applicable fees.
Office of the Borough Clerk
Borough of Wildwood Crest
6101 Pacific Ave.
Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260
(609) 729-8039
Fire Reg. Zoning Cert. DCA Reg. or Landlord Reg. (Rev. 2/25/20)